Google Nexus 7 8GB Version Removed From Google Play Store; Possibly Forever


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

It certainly looks like the rumors of a 32GB Google Nexus 7 replacing the 16GB version and pushing it down to replace the 8GB version are accurate. The 8GB version of the Google Nexus 7 is no longer on the Google Play Store. This was probably done ahead of the official announcement we will likely get on October 29th. The add on the Google Play Store still has a "coming soon" tagline, but that doesn't necessarily mean it will be back.

Of course, we should know the whole truth on Monday, and will share are the details then, so stay tuned!

Source: via Google Play Store
I have called a couple Staples and all of them said that they had the 32gb in stock but wasn't allowed to release them till the 29th. They also said that they would not be getting any more 8gb in that they were no longer carried
This is a good thing now google should give the people who bought this version a $100 credit toward the new version, selling a $100 tablet for $200 dollars seems to caught up with google. They should never released a 8 gb version, well at least not at $200 dollars. I felt is was a rip off at that price. The specs screamed $100 corporate greed screamed $200.
I thought the $200 price was not bad for the specs of the tablet, the quality of the hardware and build and for the companies backing it.

7" tablet selling for $100? yes, we have those. No name, no service things, can't compare to the Nexus 7, imo.

The 8 GB was a good compromise to keep costs lower, now let's hope it shows discounted soon, if there's any stock left.