Google releases Gingerbread


Staff member
Dec 15, 2009

Google has made an official post on the blog confirming Gingerbread which will slot in at version 2.3. You can download the SDK/NDK already at the following URL: Gingerbread SDK/NDK. Google is touting Gingerbread as the fastest version of Android yet and also lists the following improvements and refinements:

  • User Interface Refinements
  • NFC Support (Near-Field Communications)
  • New Keyboard & Text Selection Tool
  • Internet (VoIP/SIP) Calling
  • Improved Copy/Paste Functionality
  • Gyroscope Sensor Support

For the complete list of highlights and more information, check out the following link: Gingerbread/Android 2.3 release.
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That is great news, I cant wait to see it in action

Sent from my MB200 using Android Tablet Forum App
I'm very excited about this new version of Android. Besides my wife's name being Ginger, I do like the name :)

The Internet (VoIP/SIP) Calling is going to be a great feature, that should give it an edge on the iPad. Enabling apps like Skype, and other new applications that can use a seamless voIP integration in the actual app, is a great feature for Android. I think as more versions of Android become available this will only get better.

Gyroscope Sensor Support is will interesting to see how games will fully utilize this feature. I see this in comparison to the Wii's MotionPlus controller. Gyroscope should only enhance the features of the tablets functionality, especially in regards to gaming. I believe the Android OS needs to be fully functional to play full 3D games, as this is where a lot of entertainment is going. Just like in most genres, technology is going to mobile devices... including gaming. PSP, DS-Lite, etc... these started the genre and Android needs to follow, and then possibly lead.

NFC (Near Field Communications) is something i've been talking about on my personal blog for quite some time now. This technology is going to be a big jump into some of the technology that we see in the movie Minority Report. This is not new technology, but it hasn't been fully implemented yet... especially on phones/tablets etc... It's great to see this in action.

Over all.. great news about Android 2.3 (Gingerbread).. and I can't wait to see it in action. Thanks for the post admin, good stuff as usual!