Gruntings & Salivations!


Aug 26, 2011
OK, here's my intro post - I'm a tablet newb, just got a Coby Kyros 7024-4g from Amazon, and already I've got lots of questions! But at least I've got tech background - I've been a nerd since I got my first crystal radio, Xmas 1957 - and it was shaped like a Sputnik, of course! Got my A+ cert in '99, worked as a tech for a while, but getting old to do that as a gig. Rockford - I would prefer to spell it differently, but I'll be nice, for now (keep it sweet, beet!) - Illinois, is home.
If this post is to have an actual topic - which I also intend to post in the forum specific to my model - it would be my current frustration: the MANUAL for this thing! You get a Quick Start Guide in the box, which then tells you to download the PDF of the manual from the cobyusa site - and there is indeed a link on the appropriate page, for BOTH the QSG and the Manual - but both are the same thing, the QSG! There is no manual.
Even though the QSG refers you to the manual, there is none to be found. I called the support number, and they just waffled - sent me an email with a link to the same QSG. If there are TWO links, there are supposed to be TWO!
Hello Pangur, welcome to the forum. That's quite an intro, I've got a feeling you're going to liven up the Coby section which is right here Coby Tablets