Hello All


Jan 13, 2012
Hello all my name is Nim and I'm living in Wyoming right now. It seems that Santa in his infinite wisdom thought I might need a technological challenge and sent me a pandigital multimedia novel 7 tablet for Christmas. (Woo Hoo gotta luv that little elf ;))! I've learned alot on my own but still have a long way to go. I found this site via Google and man am I glad!!! I love reading but not moving with a ton of books lol. I also crochet and am able to access many sites that help in this craft. It's my hope to meet and chat with new friends and and find the tricks and tips needed to enjoy my new toy ;). Have a great day all.

Hello Nim, welcome to Android Tablets and congratulations on your new tablet. You must have been very good, Santa was very generous this time around. Much better than socks and gloves to get a tablet. If you have any questions about the new tablet, just click this link to the Pandigital Novel section, and you'll be magically transported there. When you arrive, click the link for either the White or Black Novel. You didn't say which you have, but I'm guessing you know.:eek: Have fun and enjoy the new tablet.