Hello from OH-IO


Junior Member
Jun 5, 2014
As you may or may not have guessed from my title, I am an Ohio State Buckeye fan. I live in NW Ohio near lake Erie. I am currently on my second tablet, the first one I dropped and it shifted the insides so it would no longer turn on. I mostly use my tablet for writing, as I am an inspiring novelist. I also an battling stage IV breast cancer, which gives me a lot of inspiration as I write. One day, I will admit defeat but not today, and not tomorrow.
Welcome to the forum

Sorry to hear about your cancer. I too have faced off with the beast, in my right cheek.
Hello raysnbucs, congratulations on your Craig tablet and welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets. Keep fighting as long as you can, a positive attitude often helps as much as much as medical treatment. I'm hoping we'll see you around here for a long time to come.