Hi guys im new here and im an Android Fan


Sep 18, 2011
I have a Droid X and I rooted my droid thanks to the guys from droidxforums.com all the information there was very useful.
I like Star Wars !
I like Soccer from Spain, UK, Italy and Mexico, my team? Juventus !
I work in a Call Center providing tech support
Im Christian since 2007 and I feel great
I visit a lot cNET, engadget and arstechnica.com
I own a Sony S tablet and im very happy with it but I haven't had time to play that much with it, well except for the remote control app wich is pretty cool lol.

Im a latino, Im a Battlefield Veteran, I own a PS3 im currently playing BF Bad Company 2.
Hi Einsnico, welcome to the forum. Congratulations on the Sony. Nice to have you here.