Hi - I'm a new (and real novice to android) member


Oct 18, 2011

My name is Tony and I just purchased a Zii O 10" tablet. The wife and I travel some and wanted a device that was light and easy to store. Unfortunately I am only knowledgeable in Windows technology and neither of us own or use a smart phone so the Android concept is really new to us.

Most everything works OK but I am having some problems which I hope this forum can shed some light on.

Thanks in advance and thanks for having me.

Hi Tony, welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new tablet. I'm glad you decided to become a member of Android Tablets. You can start shedding some light on that particular tablet by clicking this link to the Creative Tablets section of the forum and seeing what the owners think of it .
Hi Daan, welcome and congratulations to you as well. Nice to have you here with us.