How to install Skype on FlyTouch2 and use voice call?


Feb 3, 2011
I've searched entire forum and I can see that many of FlyTouch2 users installed and using Skype, and they are able to make voice call to other Skype users (I know that video call is not working) but I'm not able to find and install application on the market. All I could do is to download some Skype lite version from the internet but after install I was not able to make voice calls which was the main reason I bought this tablet.

I would really appreciate if anybody can guide me on how to install Skype on Flytouch2 device which runs Android 2.1 upgraded to build 1568. Many thanks in advance!
Weird, my flytouch 2 was at .1170 from the factory, SKYPE did not work. After installing the OTA update for .1561 I was able to download and install skype once again. Last night I made a test call to my house and it worked just fine.

Perhaps it is build 1568 causing the problem?
Thanks for your help Brian! Have you downloaded Skype from the Market or from some other location?

Hmm... I'm not sure about build version because newer builds should solve some problems not to make new one. I can install 1561, even I've just freshly installed 1568, but before that action I would like other users, who use Skype for voice calls, to tell me what build they are using and from where they have downloaded application. Many thanks!
Thanks for the reply Appychappy but that's exactly my problem. I can't get Skype through the Market no matters if I search for it on the list or type the it's name in the search box. There is no Skype for me. I've visited Android Market website with browser to download Skype from there but when I log in it tells me that my device is not associated with my Gmail account and that I need to log in to the Market from my device first. The thing is that I've accessed Market from my tablet hundreds times till now. Spooky!

Also to be sure that firmware build version 1568 doesn't make problems, I've rolled back to the factory version 1170 and then made automatic upgrade to 1561. It looks like nothing has changed except build number. :)
I've managed to download and install Skype 1.0.3 from Softpedia website and it works like a charm. But I still wonder why it's not visible for me in the Market? I've also noticed that I can't see some other applications, for example popular game Angry Birds, but I can see other version Angry Birds Seasons. Really weird!
Well i double checked in the market and skype is there all right. You have to have a google account to access the full market and use your epad.
Of course, setting my Gmail account was the first thing I've done on this device. The problem is when I open and log in to the Android Market website it tells me there are no android devices associated with my Gmail account and that I have to run Market on my device first, but the thing is that I'm downloading stuff from the Market almost everyday. This is very strange situation. It's seams there's nothing I can do to fix this problem. I've searched internet and found out that many people are experiencing the same problem as I do. They all pointing their fingers at Google.