how to root my haipad m701

how can i root my haipad m701 running android 2.3 gingerbread
if you installed the gingerbread update, it already comes rooted.


Sent from my Vaelpak GB AOSP Preview Edition v0.2 for Evo 4g. Flash and ye shall receive.
Help. I have the M701R with Gingerbread 2.3.3 factory installed. I've tried Z4, and Gingerbreak with no luck. Does anyone have a way to root this?
Yes please help! I am in the same boat I too have the M701R I've tried Z4root versions 1.1 1.2 and 1.3 and it just spins and spins with no completion has anyone been able to root the 2.3 version of the M701R yet?
Good news I was sent a file from to root the M701R running 2.3 gingerbread it is a simple adb script to run and the process takes only 10 seconds if anyone wants it let me know and I'll send it to you. :)
Any chance of getting this posted somewhere that we don't have to wait for seeders? Perhaps email it directly? freeflysage at gmail dot come