How To Save You Tube Favorites


May 13, 2011
I have the Coby 8024 using the Dolphin browser. I can't figure out how to save You Tube videos as favorites for future replay. Can some one help me please?

Regards, Richard
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From my GTab.....
First I would say install the YouTube app if you can, its very easy to save to your favorites in the app...
In the Dolphin browser. Select or play the video, then click the "add to" button, then select "favorties" from the list.

Sent from my VEGAn-TAB-v1.0.0B5.1 using Android Tablet Forum
He needs to say ..."save to favorites for future play" is not saving the video to the tablet...but if that is what is wanted, then yes use the mentioned flv and save to a computer,then convert and copy to the tablet.

And sometimes the most difficult part of support is figuring out what the user is trying to do based on their question.

Sent from my VEGAn-TAB-v1.0.0B5.1 using Android Tablet Forum

Using youtube mate from the google market I have downloaded youtube video and they play in the 8024.

That or I didnnot understand your question.

Sent from my MID8024 using Android Tablet Forum