I recently bought a MID tablet model #m7206 that will not accept the Mini SD card


Nov 13, 2012
I recently bought a MID tablet model number m7206 v2.2 Android ver. 2.3.3 Kernel ver. lizhaodong@ubuntu #30 build number GR140 that will not accept the Mini SD card, when pushed in it just pops back out under spring pressure. Is there something I can do to get the tablet to hold the card or is this just another MID produced Door Stop?

This was to be my introduction to tablets, unfortunate!
Best wishes, Julian
Hi Julian, congratulations on your new tablet and welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets. I'm fairly certain you need to push the card in just a little further and you'll be OK. If your fingernails can't do it, use the corner of a credit card or some other non-metallic object and gently push as far as it will go. Let us know what happens.
Welcome to the site. Hope you were able to get it to work.