Introducing - Like Digg / Reddit for Android!


Staff member
Dec 15, 2009

Are you a hardcore Android fanatic with an insatiable appetite for constant Android news? We've got the perfect site for you. We've just put up the Android News site. It's a site made to be similar to Digg. If you are not familiar, let me tell you a bit about it. is a social news site. Which means that not only can you submit news to the site but you can also vote positive or negative on existing articles and submissions and actually help create the news. The entire community decides what is news worthy and what isn't. We've got categories set up such as: Android News, Phone News, App News, Games News, ROM Releases, Theme Releases, Tablet News and just general Google related news as well.

The social features are pretty well integrated as well. For example, if a particular user seems to always post items that you find interesting you can follow them. Want to be sure that you get each and every release from your favorite ROM developer or Themer? Well if they are posting up their creations on you can follow them and be sure to get notified about any new releases they have. We need the community's help to not only post news but to tell your friends to sign up so that we can make sure that everyone can take part.

We hope that everyone finds the site useful. Please feel free to register and start posting and voting as often as possible with news that you find worthy! To register you can click on the following link: Register at

To visit, simply click here: Android News & Social Community