Lot To Learn


Jan 7, 2013
Hello Experts!

I am new to Android Tablets, and hope to learn a bunch really quickly.

I am launching a Web App this spring, and we have decided that including an option to lease a tablet would be a great idea for users to get the most out of our application... and ultimately use it more.

I hope to learn what to research when deciding which tablet to lease to the users of my web application.

Also, I hope that I might learn of some good tablet vendors that provide quick delivery, reliable products, and quality service.

I look forward to my Tablet Education!
Welcome Klegg. Hope you find what you need through your research although I doubt you'll get many wanting to "lease" a tablet rather than own one because they are so cheap now. Good luck.
Hello Chad, welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets.