Many apad questions


Sep 25, 2010
I'm having soooooo many issues with my apad.I just got it a few days ago and haven't really got to enjoy it.Basically I don't know what I'm don't know what's wrong with my camera or my camcorder it always forces to close...Then I see it has bluetooth but I can't seem to turn it on and I don't know why.Also I wanna update it but don't know who to do that either someone please guide me!!!!:confused:
the model number it says generic.....Then I bought it from ebay.....It also says my firmware version is 1.6,and my build number is a 1.9
That's a really slow tablet. most are 800mh up and that one is 450. I don't think that you are going to be able to upgrade it. Be best to ask the seller.
ok I will do that.I thought they were all the same that's why I got it from is that why my camera or bluetooth don't work?
I woulden't have a clue why your camera is not working but many low end tablets don't Bluetooth.