Microsoft Access on Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1


Junior Member
Apr 7, 2014
Hi everyone.
I am working for a conservation organisation and have been building a search database in Access. The database consists of a table and a search query to enable us to find records more easily. My boss is keen to have this available on his tablet so that it can be used out in the field. The tablet in question is a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1. As far as I can tell there doesn't seem to be any way of getting Access on to this kind of device. But I have never used a tablet before and am not very technical so was wondering if anyone knows for sure or can offer any advice!?
Thank you.
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Access on Android is not going to happen. However, there are apps that will allow you to access your Windows system and use it there if you have an Internet connection. Logmein is the best option for on the road access. Using Office 365 would be the only other option that comes to mind.