My new Android Tablet

Jun 5, 2012
I have just bought a new 7" tablet from eBellking in China and I am now slowly getting set up. I have joined this forum to hopefully source the solutions to some of the problems I am encountering as I progress.
My two primary problems are with email and connection to my Windows 7 pc.
At the moment my emails stay on screen for the blink of an eye and then disappear into the ether!
When I plug my tablet into my computer thru the USB cable the computer does absolutely nothing.

Hello and welcome to the forum!! Hopefully you will find the assistance that you need - I am not familiar with your tablet so I will only off my welcome! ;)
Hi BigFrank, congratulations on your new NATPC and welcome to the forum. I'm moving your thread to the Android Tablet Q&A section for you, where more people are likely to join the discussion and try to answer your questions. Good luck!
On the E-Mail, the easiest thing would be to install some other "free" E-Mail app to see if it acts the same. On the connecting too the PC part, there could be any number of things going on not the least of which is a problem with the PC blocking your tablet.

I have a couple alternates. Try WiFi File Explorer or AirDroid to allow you to use your PC to browse and copy/paste files back and forth.
i'm also have a new tablet onda vi40. i have a problem with this device, there is no sound. can anyone help me to fix it.
In the first month of using it, it has a sound. my husband bought it from china, we cant understand the manual guide because its written in chinese language. Now we encounter a problem in sound i dont know how to fix it. I wonder if i dowloaded apps with virus that can affect the sounds. Can you please help me to fix it? by the way my husband remove the protector on the back.
Thanks for the suggestion. So far I have sorted my email by forwarding email from my computer to my Gmail account which works ok. I tried another email app but had the same result as the first one. i will try the wifi file explorer. The best suggestion so far
I have now loaded the Airdroid app and this connects thru my WiFi to my Windows 7 pc. I have also downloaded the SDK files from the following This should have allowed me to connect my tablet to my pc thru my USB cable but didn't appear to do anything. However in Airdroid there is a facility for tethering, I activated this and since then my tablet has seen my pc when I plug it in to the USB cable. So Airdroid is a good solution to connect a tablet to a Windows 7 pc and has resolved my major problem.