Need contacts for my master thesis

Feb 3, 2011
Dear users,

First of all, I was a bit uncertain about which category to post this in, but bare with me if this one is not optimal.

I am currently writing my master thesis on innovation in relation to the tablet development. I try to make a new innovative theory designed for the development process of tablets. To improve this thesis I need to interview people who as a job work on developing tablets - it does not matter for which company.

I have tried to establish contact through e-mails, but that seems more or less impossible. I was thinking, does any of you in here work with developing tablets? Or do you know someone I may contact?

My university, in Denmark, granted me money to come visit wherever I can find a contact(s).

Any information is helpful!

Many thanks
Claus Ladefoged
Copenhagen University
I've tried a broad range of companies. Archos, Apple, Google, HTC, Motorola, Asus, Samsung, HP among many others. The problem is writing directly to a company doesn't leave much. I need a personal contact to "get in".