New guy question


Mar 6, 2011
When I start downloading apps should I be putting them on the sd card somehow or just to the Nook itself?

If you're downloading from the market it will put them on the nook's memory which is just fine.
It would take more apps than you'd want to download. I've never had any memory problems with any of my android phones and usually have around 50 apps on them at a time. Also i believe with android 2.1 you don't have the option to move apps to the sd card.
I disagree.. Loading aps to the card is a good thing because the onboard memory is a finite value. You can always get a bigger card. I'm not sure if it works on the NC or not, but Curvefish has a move-to-sd program and works well. It identifies the programs that can be moved to the card and gives you a shortcut to the section of the OS that lets you move them. I did this on my HTC Desire and reclaimed over half my available system storage space. Keep in mind that my Desire runs 2.2, so again, I don't know if the NC running 2.1 will allow this or not.
there is an app callled Apps2SD, does the job.
I know a lot of people like to move apps to the card but the on board storage is there for a reason right? Im just saying never had an issue with memory problems. So its a matter of preference. Kind of like task killers. People love them even though you don't need them. The os manages apps fine on its own without people mindlessly killing tasks every few minutes. Memory moving and task killing becomes an obsession. Been there done that.

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I look at apps on a case by case basis. Like using TV Shows Streaming app, it is capable of saving to SD, but it is a more intensive program, requiring greater caching (it is buffering a video stream after all) so I leave in on internal memory. While Cool Reader (my epub reader of choice) is not as resource intensive, so I save it to my SD.

Not to mention the fact that I am running a dual boot system and my primary boot has less that 1GB of available space left, so conserving that very finite resource is important to me.
I think that's a very good point, Darmeen. Not sure what kind of set up baspinall has but if it's just a stock rooted rom then he shouldn't have to worry about filing up his memory with apps.