New Smartpad Android 2.1 Tablet - Telechip 8902 Based


Jun 15, 2010
This tablet has following specifications:

Android 2.1 OS
Telechip 8902 720MHz CPU
3 Axis Accelerometer, G-sensor Games such as Raging Thunder supported
High performance HD, 3D, support 1080P HD video
Official Android Market
256M DDR2 Memory





This tablet has similar hardware as Hipad G10, it can play accelerometer games, such as raging thunder.

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Just received one of these today, wasn't what I was expecting to receive, so I know very little about it. Unfortunately still haven't had much the time to play around with it. I can say one thing though, it's leagues ahead of my batch 3 Apad in performance and responsiveness (touchscreen).
Thanks for posting this. As you get to use the device, please share some info.
- How much?
- From where (Euogo, judging by the picture?)
- Is the Official Android Market working?
- How's the physical construction?
- Any particular bugs or glitches worth noting?
Sorry for not getting back to this post sooner. I still haven't had a lot of time to play with the it, but so far I've been very happy/impressed. I previously owned a batch 3 Apad which isn't even fair to use as a comparison to this one. This is called a HandPad S006, the internals are similar to most of the other Telechip tablets out there. 720MHz cpu, 256MB Ram, 802.11 b/g, 2.1 update 1, etc... It comes with a 3200mAH battery. The wireless connection works great, the range is ok, again still far better the my Apad. The only 3D game I've tried so far was Raging Thunder and it worked perfectly. Angry Birds unfortunately did not work. I've managed to stream internet radio/play mp3s and surf the internet and chat through gtalk without experiencing major lag. (lag was noticed when running live wallpapers and multitasking) It doesn't perform as well as my Nexus One, but I never expected it to.

It comes cased in aluminum, and I'm VERY impressed with the physical construction, doesn't feel cheap in my hands. It has a 30 pin connector and comes with a power adapter and usb, it does charge via the usb as well. You're given the option to either connect to the nand or sd when connected to the pc. It came with a 2GB sd and 2GB internal. I'm impressed with the speaker volume, I can actually hear it when playing games and videos (I actually have to turn it down most times). It came with approx 250MB of free app space. It does not feature a camera (not that I used the Apad one), but it does have a mic (not tested) and a 3.5mm headphone jack. I'm very please with the button layout, power/sleep button on the side along with volume keys. On the front it has the menu, home and thankfully a back button! AVI's play beautifully, I haven't tried any HD video on it yet. The touch screen I've found to be quite responsive, I would compare it to my old G1. I did a quadrant test and it ranked in a little higher than an HTC Magic.

I haven't run into any bugs or glitches as of yet, no FC's or anything of the sort. The official Android Market is working and I've managed to find everything that I've searched for. I purchased this unit from, it's not listed on his site as of yet and I believe he's just looking into seeing if there is enough interest or not before doing so. Delivered the unit was roughly $220 CAD and it took roughly 2 1/2 weeks in delivery, mostly because of the fact of being a special order. I almost forgot the battery, I haven't used it for more than 3 hrs at one sitting with the wifi on and still had roughly 50% battery life remaining at that point, but I'll be honest I'm not sure how long I could get, that was with 50% brightness (the screen by the way looks impressive, not washed out).

I'm sure people will have plenty of other questions, and feel free to ask. I'll try and keep up on the post and answer as I can.










Have you tried it as a reader at all?

I'm also curious if the Official Android Market works.

Looking to get something somewhat inexpensive to tide me over until the new year when I'll likely be picking up a new iPad (or anything better that might be available at the time).
Looks good. I've been hearing about this a little, but haven't seen it.
Have you tried it as a reader at all?

I'm also curious if the Official Android Market works.

Looking to get something somewhat inexpensive to tide me over until the new year when I'll likely be picking up a new iPad (or anything better that might be available at the time).

I mostly bought this to use as a reader, but I've found it's useable for a lot more and I tend to be sitting my phone down more often this past week. As stated above, the Official Android Market does work. I'm happy using it as a reader, but Aldiko is not working as expected. The pages go off the left margin and come back around on the right, not only on my epub's but on the preinstalled ones as well. FBReader works as expected, I haven't tried any other ones at this point. I started using these 7" screens over my PRS300 Sony reader and haven't looked back.
Sorry to keep asking about it. How is it at word processing? Looking for something that I can do a little bit of writing on, preferably using Word, Google Docs or something comparable.

I honestly haven't tried it for any kind of word processing, if you can give me exact examples of what you're looking for I could give them a whirl though.
I do a lot of writing (articles, scripts, etc), and am hoping to find something that I can use to write on while in place of a laptop. Obviously, I'd require some sort of external keyboard (bluetooth, maybe?). Would prefer a format that's comparable with Word or if there is some sort of Google Docs app, that would be amazing.

I'd also be using it for comic reading, I think. But don't expect that many people would be trying out the comic reading capabilities on it.

Lastly, you mentioned you got it from Does that mean it ships from Canada? I'm in Vancouver, so it would be awesome if that were the case.
I do a lot of writing (articles, scripts, etc), and am hoping to find something that I can use to write on while in place of a laptop. Obviously, I'd require some sort of external keyboard (bluetooth, maybe?). Would prefer a format that's comparable with Word or if there is some sort of Google Docs app, that would be amazing.

I'd also be using it for comic reading, I think. But don't expect that many people would be trying out the comic reading capabilities on it.

Lastly, you mentioned you got it from Does that mean it ships from Canada? I'm in Vancouver, so it would be awesome if that were the case.

This tablet doesn't actually feature bluetooth, and I've never looked at the possibility of connecting a keyboard via the 30pin to usb connector. I know I've used Documents To Go in the past for Android and it works quite nicely. As for comic reading I've read there are some good reading programs out there that support all the most popular formats. I did purchase the unit from, it's actually the 2nd tablet I've ordered through this site. As he doesn't have the tablet currently listed, just shoot him an email and he would be able to help you out with more details.

Hope this helps.
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Hi there, I also recieved this Smartpad and the build quality of the pad itself is great. I do have a problem that the tablet shut-off randomly even with a full battery. I have set in the settings panel that the device may never auto power of itself so it is strange. It also power-off in while in use!

Maybe someone can supply me the original ROM file so I can re-install the OS and see what happens/ Any help is really welcome.

Thanks a lot