

Dec 2, 2010
Hi i'm Gypsy, N.Y. Hope i'm doing this right. i purchased 4 white PDN's. mostly to b able to download free books from public library via Adobe Digital Editions. the first one that i experimented with was super (after about 4 hrs. of attempts). however, i managed to add 4 books to my library shelves to read, but don't know exactly 'how' it happened. after dozens of attempts it finally "just worked". now i'm trying to set-up the other 4 for g'kids, and it's just not coming together. i go to library download and get EPUB book, i send it to Adobe DE. it will allow me to put the books into the Pandigital icon, in the tray labeled "Adobe Ebooks", but it doesn't go into/onto my book shelves in "My Library".. help, pls. i allowed authorization on comp. & device, i got Adobe ID, i can't think of anything else to make it show up in My Lib. section... any advice would really be appreciated, so i can wrap these things and get them under the tree... thnx so much