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Alternate ATF App Tester
Jan 13, 2011
That 's how it works : we root,we get excited with the possibilities and we check and download evetything and then we start thinking what we really want to do with this great gadget and we start working in that direction. That's the phase I am in right now. I cleaned everything up because what counts for me is how long can I go without recharging.Always outside, never close to an outlet.Next project is to tether my phone to the nook. What about yours?
Mine will be to research this Clockwork thing everyone is talking about. I'd like to have a backup. Also, I'd like to try and convert some dvds to watch on my NC.

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I want stylus for my Nook so that I can draw chicks of my class :p
Mine will be to research this Clockwork thing everyone is talking about. I'd like to have a backup. Also, I'd like to try and convert some dvds to watch on my NC.

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DVDs are great on the NC. Once I got the program and settings right it is easy. Unfortunately my DVD collection is pretty small. However, my wife left this morning for the 4 hour plane ride to Denver with 7 movies on her NC.
Thanks NCnoob and avi. Does anyone know if netflix dvds are blocked from converting and saving to SD?

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They shouldn't be, it just depends on what software you are using to rip the DVDs.
First off Welcome to the forums! Go ahead and install ClockworkMod Recovery. But follow the instructions carefully. After that and a backup in nandroid there is very little(barring physical damage) you can do to your NC that cannot be undone. Please believe me when I say this as I spent the weekend learning the hard way. Now my NC is rocking and rolling like a champ. TX again Faceman. If you have any questions, concerns, or issues feel free to pm me and I will do y best to point you in the right direction.
see i have a theory that we all have a disease - we all have the delusion that we bought the nook because we want to be able to use it like a tablet, surf the web, read forums, socialize with facebook, get our email, watch videos - but in reality and if we are intellectually honest we all will admit to it - it is really not the case - i put to you that we all suffer from Tinkeritis - yes a disease that comes from the same genome as geekitis, - yes that dreaded disease that imposes an irresistable itch to tinker and prod and push gadgets to its limits - case in point even after we have ourselves a stable device, we want to see what else we can do so off we go jumping into the next ROM.

I've seen a therapist for it but all he recommended was to get an iPad coz he said it is the ultimate - i told him to shove it, the iPad is a totalitarian, closed garden, with no respect for the freedom to tinker - he said exactly the cure i needed - I fired him

That 's how it works : we root,we get excited with the possibilities and we check and download evetything and then we start thinking what we really want to do with this great gadget and we start working in that direction. That's the phase I am in right now. I cleaned everything up because what counts for me is how long can I go without recharging.Always outside, never close to an outlet.Next project is to tether my phone to the nook. What about yours?
next projects for me are:

1. a solid backup / recovery plan for everyone
2. wifi tethering my G1->NC for mobile data
3. defeating those damn angry birds
see i have a theory that we all have a disease - we all have the delusion that we bought the nook because we want to be able to use it like a tablet, surf the web, read forums, socialize with facebook, get our email, watch videos - but in reality and if we are intellectually honest we all will admit to it - it is really not the case - i put to you that we all suffer from Tinkeritis - yes a disease that comes from the same genome as geekitis, - yes that dreaded disease that imposes an irresistable itch to tinker and prod and push gadgets to its limits - case in point even after we have ourselves a stable device, we want to see what else we can do so off we go jumping into the next ROM.

I've seen a therapist for it but all he recommended was to get an iPad coz he said it is the ultimate - i told him to shove it, the iPad is a totalitarian, closed garden, with no respect for the freedom to tinker - he said exactly the cure i needed - I fired him

Oh wow! +<10 I think you distilled my digital dementia directly. Tinkeritis! Awesome. And you were well and justified to give that therapist the boot. iPad to SOLVE your problems. That assumes that one looks upon this affliction as a bad thing. Aside from the lost sleep, hair, and capacity for rational conversations with the non-tech obsessed. How could one look at this as a bad thing....
Back to the original goals:

An inexpensive iPad alternative - easy to use, icon driven, browser that can play flash seamlessly, has app store (market is fine).

What I still gotta figure out is the flash video part, sort out the launcher/softkey, B&N mish-mash.

I have the 2.2 SD image, but only tried it out to see if it would boot. I hope the adobe flash app will be available on the market then and it works - then I will just have to see what can be done to install it, um, internally.

So far I like the e-reader function more than I expected. I also want to get my audio books (audible mostly) working, as well as music. I would be cool to rip a DVD to watch - I note recent posts about Handbrake.

I want to get my iphone to wifi hotspot for on-the-road use. I have to re-jailbrake and then get the right app for that - I gather that might entail some work on the ad-hoc wifi end on the NC.

A good way to backup the NC is on the list, as well.

Then showing the thing off, evangelizing, if you will - this is a really cool device, and the whole world needs to be notified!
Anima Technica,you put it in a funny way but I noticed in these few weeks on the forum that there are people who never stop changing things around their devices... .they don't even need another one, their fun is to see how they can transform them.It's fun though and I thing the disease u are talking about is very contagious that's why I'm still hanging around even though I did my rooting....I don't want to miss on something else I can do to my nook. But it is fun to have this disease!