not turning on!! pls help


Oct 26, 2010
please? anyone can help me??? i have it new but the charger is not working very well. i then tried a universal charger/adapter with 9 volts same as the original charger included in my package, but after i use the new charger my apad hangs when the robot appeared. and just like that... all i can see is the robot. but before that, i can't get connected to the web page i am viewing but i am connected to the internet provider. wifi and/or with a router.. and now, it's not turning on anymore!?? please help....
Same Problem happened to mine.
When You Turn It On Do you need to have it connect to the adapter in order for it to turn on or without it??
Because if you need the adapter to turn it on means battery is dead.
I had a lock-up on my new Cruz Tablet (experimenting with various apps I found). I had to hit the reset button -- twice (to get past the hang-up) in one case.

(Just as a side comment, for what it's worth, my Kindle needed to be charged for 10 minutes before it was able to reset -- holding the slide "on" for 10-15 seconds, which "re-booted" it. But, with the Kindle, the e-ink sticks whether it's on or off, thereby confusing the issue. )