Now that Google has essentially F'd us by withholding HC Source...

Lets look at it this way...

Closed system (apple)= you want an orange? Too bad we just provide apples. But they taste real good.

Open system (android)= have what ever you want. But stay away from those food items with the wierd names. We don't know what they are. We make some really good yogurt though. Oh you guys tried the wierd named food? We told you to stay away. We are going to have to hold onto the ingredient from now on. We need some quality control.

Just wanted to add my pointless analogy to the thread. There are pluses and minuses to openness. For instance moto blur and no name tablets with paper thin plastic screens are minuses.

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There are two schools of thought there, one completely open and the other locked down and highly refined. Most people thought and hoped that Google would be going completely open with Android and for the reasons you state above it isn't completely open. They could lock it down more or the could stay where they are. We'll see.

I agree completely and I prefer the openness personally too. I came off a little to strong in the other direction there I think, but was just trying to point out I could see Google's thought process for this delay (or assumed thought process) and think despite our personal feelings it is valid. I really hope there is an option for middle ground between the two extremes.

Stelv said:
Just wanted to add my pointless analogy to the thread. There are pluses and minuses to openness. For instance moto blur and no name tablets with paper thin plastic screens are minuses.

I also like the analogy :)
no name tablets with paper thin plastic screens are minuses.
Sent from my fascinate

What if that is all the no name tablet was? Just a thin plastic screen (dual core and running HC mind you) that you could roll up or fold over and stick in your pocket. Still a minus or is it like multiplying two negative numbers at that point? -no name * -paper thin screen = awesomness !?
Well if the tablet is really priced well then maybe a bad screen and good processor is ok. I saw somewhere that people are working on making flexible touch screens..i think on engadget.

I think the middle ground will come from cell phones and tablets tied to cell phone companies as they can work with google on quality control (htc, samung, etc)

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Gizmodo, the Gadget Guide

So a month after the first Honeycomb tablet hit the shelves—the Motorola Xoom—and Android devs/tinkerers still aren't happy that they haven't been handed the Honeycomb source code. Obviously feeling the heat, Google's Andy Rubin took to his blog to defend their delay: [/URL]
"We continue to be an open source platform and will continue releasing source code when it is ready. As I write this the Android team is still hard at work to bring all the new Honeycomb features to phones. As soon as this work is completed, we'll publish the code. This temporary delay does not represent a change in strategy."
It's believed Rubin is responding to an article in Bloomberg last week, which concerned fragmentation on the Android platform.
Let us know in the comments below what you think about this whole mess—do you believe Google should withhold their source code until they're sure it's ready, or are they flouting Android's alleged "openness" in your faces? [Android-Dev Blog]
I vote for flouting. Here's the thing they are holding hc back from tablets because it isn't ready for phones. They are affraid that is an issue because people might use the current tablet version in applications it was never intended for in its current state. In otherwords, on phones.

In reality though they have to know that no matter what they put out it is going to be used in unintended ways. That is the beauty of open source. So it sounds like flouting to me since the thing they are concerned about is going to happen no matter what they release. I still suspect it has to do with behind the scenes partner deals and ways to lock people into google so they reap the rewards of tablet consumption through their market store and websites, which is what I would do if I were them.
i couldn't agree more - with Google's recent anti-fragmentation pronouncements, they see a controlled infrastructure is the way to compete with Apple so likely they will limit HC only to top tier OEMs like samsung, Dell, least initially

still suspect it has to do with behind the scenes partner deals and ways to lock people into google so they reap the rewards of tablet consumption through their market store and websites, which is what I would do if I were them.