Please help me !Market Apps download never start and paid apps don't appear in market


Jun 3, 2011

I have a problem with my flytouch 3.

I live in reunion island (french island in indian ocean) and i have try several firmware for my tablet and with all, the market works but downloads never starts. I must do installation with apk or with explorer but download in market never works. I have noticed too that in market i have only free app whose appear, paid app not. It's strange because i have a htc android phone and for my country market paid and free apps works very well.
I have tried to erase market cache, remove sd before install but downloads never start.
I think that perhaps it's my location or the location on the tablet makes problem
gsm.sim.operator.numeric is 310995.
Y have tried market enabler but gsm.operator.numeric number don't change.
With terminal emulator i have tried to change manually values but at the end of procedure an directory error appear.
i like to change like that :
setprop gsm.sim.operator.numeric "310260"
setprop gsm.operator.numeric "310260"
setprop gsm.sim.operator.iso-country "us"
setprop gsm.operator.iso-country "us"
setprop gsm.sim.operator.alpha "T-Mobile"
setprop gsm.operator.alpha "T-Mobile"
pkill vending
rm -rf /data/data/*

the error is with rm - rf /
please could you help to solve my problem.
My firmware version is : 2.2-20110503
from 20110601_Tim4e

Thank you very much for replies
best regards