Qualcomm Video Shows Their Older 2010 Mobile Chips are Better Than Intel's Atom


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

Ouch! This video must really burn "ChipZilla's" rear-end! Qualcomm just released a video comparing their Mobile chips to Intel's newest Atom Mobile chip. Qualcomm's technology smokes Intel's stuff, but what is even more amazing is that Qualcomm is actually using their older 2010 chipsets for the comparison! Here's a quote with a few more details,

The video compares usable performance in several areas, including gaming and simple web browsing — scrolling and zooming. It seems the Snapdragon processor does it better than Intel Atom. Qualcomm also touts compatibility as among the main advantages of its platform. Some apps and games simply won’t work on Intel’s platform.

Now that’s not everything there is about the comparison. Qualcomm actually used an old phone — a 2011 Sony Xperia Arc S with a circa 2010 Snapdragon S2.

Share your thoughts on this revelation from the makers of the Snapdragon.

Source: AndroidAuthority
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Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 6, 2011
Well maybe that is a little misleading about "newest" processors being behind the older snapdragon chips. They are known to be powerhouses no doubt and S4 in my phone flies. But they are implying "newest" means latest most advanced when it really means new as in a first time effort. I wouldn't get too high on my pedestal if I were Qualcomm though, Intel is an absolute giant and it will most likely only take a generation or two before they are as good or better than anybody else.


Nov 22, 2010
Intel is an absolute giant that never really got the original Atom right, so how is it that the mobile version won't suck as well?