Remove Cell Standby Service (Save Battery)

Since I'm connecting to my tablet with a Mac the batch file script doesn't do me much good. So I just followed the manual instructions:

./adb shell mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
./adb shell mv /system/app/Phone.apk /system/app/Phone.OLD
./adb shell mv /system/app/TelephonyProvider.apk /system/app/TelephonyProvider.OLD
./adb reboot

It complains about phone service app having stopped unexpectedly and displays a "Force Close" dialog on the tablet screen, which goes away as soon as you move the TelephonyProvider.apk. I'll be interested to see if this does increase my battery performance.
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I ran into the same problem with the missing app. I rebooted the device then removed the second file. I would suggest using adb as it is easyer.

As for power.... I was able before this change to get 4 hours from a single chargecharge on a 9 inch model. We shall see i am chargeing tonight.
I wonder if this is applicable to other tablets as well?

I've noticed that running on my tablet and wondered if it is necessary to have running as a general thing?

It might be specific to certain models too, but it looks like a good way to save power based on what I see on my Haipad.
I'm in the process of seeing how long my tablet lasts. So far the only thing I've noticed is when I used to turn it on it would go from "Fully Charged" to "90% Power" in less than 30 seconds of being on. After applying this fix? It took 23 minutes (with Wi-Fi on) before it dropped to 90%.
And the results are in. Exactly 6 hours use time with the wi-fi on the entire time. That is almost double what I had been getting.

(on a Haipad M701-R btw)
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