
Have a quick look at this thread:

goodintentions mentions 2 stylus brands perhaps one of these might suit your purpose (I'm looking for one too)

He writes " I take notes directly into these pdf books with a adonit job stylus and a dagi stylus. Right now, these are the best styli on the market for capacitive touch screens"

Might be worth asking him for his experiences/input...

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Just google Adonit Jot and Dagi P601 or P602. Either one of these is extremely accurate. There are many note-taking apps out there, but the best one I've found are repligo and ezpdf, either of which you can hand write directly into the pdf document. I would imagine this is particularly useful when you are provided by pdf notes from your professors and you can just add in your own notes on top of the pdf's.
Yeah, those two stylus look good in theory, but has anyone tested them out on the Transformer yet?