Tablet identification needed. Please?

Looks exactly like my silver Haipad M701-R, has same specs but doesn't appear to include the remote control option so it's probably an updated M701. If it's been rebranded the reseller may also have put their own rom on it, or they might have just changed the boot screen to show their own logo. There is an official firmware update for the M701, an unofficial "Froyo" one (missing some functions), and rumors of an official "Froyo" release slated for this month. . .for Haipad tablets. If it's not running their firmware, though, you'll have to ask around about flashing it to something else.
Thanks Offworld. And this is why I love geek forums :)

I've loaded a 2.2 ROM on my Aria (aka Liberty) phone. I really needed the WiFi AP function. Do we know what functionality 2.2 brings to these tablets? Or is it just a little faster?
I have heard the 2.2 "Froyo" update is due to drop this month, possibly as early as November 10th (when I contacted Haipad their rep wouldn't confirm there even will be an official 2.2, but described the unofficial one as "also a good experience"). I'll believe it when I see it.

There is an unofficial 2.2 for the M701. Check for details over at SlateDroid on what works and what doesn't. I'd hope when Haipad releases an official version it won't have those problems. As for speed? Word on the street is that, despite the tablet only having 256 MB of memory, the JIT compiler in 2.2 makes it pretty snappy. I wouldn't know, though, as I'm waiting for an official firmware update.
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thanks , i will await the official release myself .
if it ever appears , if not , then we will see.