This is my new thread - for saying hello


Sep 10, 2012

I'm a science teacher in the UK, have been an Android devotee for a long time in the smartphone department, and am just starting to venture in tabletty goodness. I found the site whilst looking for reviews (belatedly) on a turned-out-to-be scumbag online Chinese tablet company. Sad times.

I'm currently trying to sort out a refund for my sub-par tablet whilst trying to make up my mind what to spend the money on (in the optomistic assumption that I'll get anything back). I thought it would be nicer if I said hello all officially, rather than just posting in a review thread, seeing as I hope to join the ranks of Android tab users for realsies.

Hello Iain, welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets. I enjoyed your introduction post and hope the "sub-par tablet" situation will be resolved to your satisfaction. Enjoy the forum!:)
Hey Spider, thanks for saying hello. I'm not going to hold my breath for a happy ending with the tablet, but I do hope to stick around the forums here for a while whatever the outcome :D