Where can I find an Adroid 4 User Guide?


May 2, 2012
I'm completely new to Android tablets. But I have just bought a Philips T7+ Android 4 tablet in Shanghai, and expect to become a dedicated Android fan. I'm not going to join the millions lugging around their expensive and bag-sized iPads in Shanghai. I want a pocket-sized, 7-inch Android tablet.

The new Philips T7+ was recently launched in China. It will soon be released in the USA and elsewhere. It is similar to the Samsung Tab 2, i.e. an inexpensive pocket-sized (7") tablet of good quality, running Android 4.

The new Philips is pretty cool and as far as I can see, and everything seems to work perfectly. The only problem is that I don't really know what I'm doing, and have a hundred unanswered questions. In the box, there is a Quick Startup Guide supplied in print. In this guide I'm instructed to first download Adobe Reader on the tablet and then find the User Guide at Philips HiMarket. However, the Chinese version of the HiMarket App is installed, so I can't understand it. And I don't know yet how to download and install anything on an Android machine. So I'm stumped. What I need, is a Android 4 User Guide in English, which I can download, read and print out with my PC. After working through that, I would be able to use my new Philips T7+.

Where do I find such a User Guide?

There is a user guide available on the internet for the Samsung Nexus phone running Android 4. But it is probably dedicated to the features of the specific phone, and might cause more confusion than clarity. (Would it?)

I do find a Philips HiMarket site on the internet, using my PC, but no User Guide for the Philips T7+ tablet. (Perhaps its a special PC version of the HiMarket site?)

Is there a User Guide for Android 4 in its "pure form" which would teach me how to use the Philips T7+? Any help will be highly appreciated!