WM8650 Problem


Junior Member
Aug 28, 2014
I purchased my tablet some years ago on ebay new. Not too long after I bought it, about 3 months, it got to where it wouldn't turn on unless I had it plugged in. I asked the company I bought it from about a refund and they told me I just needed to update it and told me how. I did update it and it was working fine up until now, it is doing the same thing it was then, it will only turn on when it is plugged in. I was having a problem with connecting to Netflix, for some reason I can now connect to it and it will bring up everything but when I try to play a movie or watch anything it just goes back to the main screen! I can read my email, etc. and go to other websites ok. I am sure I need to update it again but am not sure how and I can't remember where I downloaded the first update. I know I have to put it on the SD card and I have it ready but not sure what to do. Any suggestions? Thanks!!!