WonderMedia 8650 and Wifi


Sep 21, 2011
I am not able to connect to any wifi network. I see dozens of hotspots, but I can't connect to anyone; I can see if they're open orencrypted, and with advanced configurator I can even see the active channel, the frequency... but I can't connect!I tried at least 5 different firmwares with no luck.I heard about some changes to perform to a .DAT file in etc/wireless, but it's not clear at all WHICH changes to do!Any help?


Senior Member
Aug 4, 2011
Unfortunately I don't know how to fix your problem, but I can tell you that the wireless on mine does work. I can get it in every room of my house. I don't know which ROM you are using. Here are some suggestions found in the Uberoid forums for this issue: (Note that if you are not using Uberoid, I don't know if this will cause more problems, this is presented as something to help you search for solutions. I would search the net using your ROM and "wireless" as keywords.)

1.* Remove the "Wireless" folder from "FirmwareInstall\packages\fs_patch\root_patch\system\etc\" and reboot.

2. A member reported that when the tablet booted up, he denied access to the Wifi PowerTx app, and then he deleted the app and said his wifi worked great.