wrong times after root


Mar 24, 2011
Hey all. New to nook. Not new to rooting. Anywhhho. After rooting, the time was wrong so i changed it in the settings menu.

Well i got the time right on screen but on all the apps its 20 hours off. Ive tried uninstalling and re installing, no dice. Thinking about a wipe but thats last resort

Any ideas?
No luck with clearing the cache. Im running ud 2.3. Im running ud on my og droid, never seen this before
Did you make sure you have your timezone set correctly? I don't know where to do that in UD2.3 but i am sure its somewhere around the time settings.

I guarantee that is the problem...I just tested it on my NC, changing the time zone and the time jumped ahead to 8:16am
I agree this is probably a settings issue. Once you go in and manaully correct the time zone and time in settings and then turn back on auto update that usually does it.
Everything is set normally the easy it should. Getting closer to wiping :/

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I had the time problem with Ud too, but it fixed itself after i changed it in settings. Yea I think I may have also turned off and on auto sync.
Do you have a wifi connection for it to sync to after turning auto sync back on?
Yeah I have a connection. Just tried turning Auto sync on and off. nothing changed

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Im subscribed to blackdroids nightlies. Im gonna update and see if that helps

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Well after wiping....the time was wrong again. I changed it before installing anything. Now that day is wrong! Lol that shouldnt be too hard to get right

Edit: got it now. I have to re install everything but wiping did the trick
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Well after wiping....the time was wrong again. I changed it before installing anything. Now that day is wrong! Lol that shouldnt be too hard to get right

Edit: got it now. I have to re install everything but wiping did the trick

Wiping from CWR correct?
Yes, i wiped everything (data/cache) at first the time was still wrong, had to go in to settings and changed everything manually. Not sure why it wouldnt correct before though.