ADW Launcher - How to get it back in the Notifications menu?


Jun 14, 2012
I have a rooted Nook Tablet BNTV250 using ADW Launcher V1.3.6 Standalone

When I originally rooted this tablet, the home manager launcher would display in the Notifications menu. The "N" button and any Barnes & Noble application embedded in the firmware provides no means to return to an ADW home page. I can only go to the B&N Homepage. Since the Home manager is no longer in the notifications menu, the only way I know to get back to my ADW homepage is to reboot.

I've been unable to find where ADW configures itself to return its presence in the Notifications menu.

I've searched this forum and the only advisement given to others with similar fates is to uninstall ADW and reinstall--which I've done to no avail.

I've tried making shortcuts from the B&N Homepage to ADW. I've also tried searching for the app directly from B&N's Search function.

Is there a way to invoke ADW Launcher from the B&N Homepage? Or can I configure the ADW settings to make its presence once again in the Notifications menu?

Any help is appreciated.
I did try the Home Manager with ADW set as default. It was already installed on my tablet previously. When that did not work, I uninstalled it then did a fresh reinstall to no avail.
I then tried Home Switcher with the same results. I must have done something along the way which removes any launcher from the notifications menu.

So in frustration, I re-rooted the entire tablet. That seems to have solved my issue. The Home Manager is once again in the Notifications Menu.

It is possible you were on 1.4.1 when you rooted originally and an OTA update to 1.4.2 broke the root. Most things would stay the same so you may not notice but apps requiring super user permissions wouldn't work any more. Rerooting will fix that. The other thing it might have been is that something happened to Home catcher. You might have been able to redo Home catcher but rerooting also restores that.

Good to know you got it working again :)
I'm pretty sure I was fully responsible for messing it up. I previously had experienced the 1.4.2 OTA upgrade and was able to successfully re-root passed its imposed limitations. Unlike the OTA upgrade, this time around I was still able to access the Play.Google app store.

The ADW issue was entirely my own error in fiddling where I should not have- pure PEBCAC (Problem Exists Between Computer And Chair)

During this exercise, I downloaded a fresh install of ADW launcher and I am very pleased with a few of the improvements. And I am allowing the Quick Switcher to remain in the Notifications menu.
Nice. Good to have it working again I'm sure. It is handy to have the quick switcher there in the notifications too. Personally I like Zeam launcher since it is very simple and clean. You might want to give it a go if you are feeling exploratory and you can use quick switcher to go between the various options. If you don't like it just uninstall.

Zeam Launcher - I'm not familiar with that launcher. Always looking for something new. I will give it a try. Thanks!