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What did you do after you burned the image file? Did you try and double click on the card to go into it to paste the files? If so what did you do when you got the error message?
yes I double clicked it and tried to paste the other files onto the sd card and that is when I get the message that the card needs to be formatted. There is nothing showing on the card;
That is ok, as long as you didn't format the card. Instead of double clicking the card just right click it and select paste after you have copied the three files. You will not be able to access the card because it is now formatted for Android not pc. Please let me know if you have used the right click method for pasting the files onto the card.
I have my back up files from my nook on my desktop, tell me how to put that back onto my nook and then I will just purchase the card that someone told me about. Seems like I just can't do this. I really appreciate your help though
Ok, let's see what is on the card. Safely eject the card by going to the little up arrow by the clock. Click the arrow then click the usb icon. Then select your sd card. Once it says safe to remove, you may remove it.

Put in oowered off Nook and then power on. Please let me know if this boots you into CWR.
The only way you can get you back up files to work is by creating a bootable CWR card. This card allows you to put stuff on and take stuff off the Nook including backups. I understand your frustration, please try this method to completely restore your nook (remove any sd cards first).

Use Part 1, Method one. In Part 2 you can use either method.

Flash back to clean stock ROM - nookDevs
Once you have restored your Nook to factory settings you can insert your sd cards into the Nook (once already booted) then go Settings>Device Info>Storgage>Unmount and then format to get fresh sd cards back.
Just follow the insturctions exactly. You can also search nook 8 boot and watch youtube videos on how to do this. Since you don't have a bootable CWR card and you can't type to get past the setup of your stock Nook you have to do this method to see if it will restore your Nook so that you can get back to a working stock.
Did our hero succeed in his rooting attempt? I'd love to know

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No, I don't think so. We got bogged down in the details. You have to burn a recovery card, download the right files and get t hose files onto the recovery card before you can really do anything else. Sometimes it can be a little tough to get ready to go.