ASUS TF300t Touchscreen Issues


Oct 27, 2012
Hi everyone, I've had the ASUS TF300T tablet for nine days and now the touchscreen has started to not work at times. I've tried to use the cold re-boot but I don't get the writing in the top corner, it just takes a screenshot and then restarts. The problem I'm having is the touchscreen is not working at all. I can't unlock the tablet, use any apps and this is really disappointing seeing as I've had this for nine days. Any help or suggestions would help a lot, thanks.
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It sounds as if you didn't do the cold boot correctly if you never saw the white text upper left.

Powered completely down and disconnected from power, hold the volume button in the down position then also the power button until you see the text then just wait for the restart. If at first you don't succeed, you know the rest;)

If that doesn't help I suggest getting it exchanged as you may have a bad connection inside.
Welcome to the forum

It sounds as if you didn't do the cold boot correctly if you never saw the white text upper left.

Powered completely down and disconnected from power, hold the volume button in the down position then also the power button until you see the text then just wait for the restart. If at first you don't succeed, you know the rest;)

If that doesn't help I suggest getting it exchanged as you may have a bad connection inside.

Ok I tried the cold boot 3 more times and the same results. Screenshot then restart, so I guess I'll just have to return in it to Amazon, I don't think they do exchanges.
Ok I tried the cold boot 3 more times and the same results. Screenshot then restart, so I guess I'll just have to return in it to Amazon, I don't think they do exchanges.

It will end up being an exchange, no matter what you or they call it. It just may take a little time but they will do it.
I have a close to the same problem touch screen won't work. In addition to that, the when I have keyboard pluged in the offical asus one. It will run fine but one problem the left click won't work on it. But i tested the keyboard on another unit keyboard works fine. I did some debugging after opening up the device. I do not have warranty I bought this at a reused store as is. So i unplugged the digitizer and left click did not work. So ran the debugger for screen. I get lots of lines on the left saying like its lots of pressure on touching it when I hadn't so it could be an software or pressure issue. So Iwill post the picture when Iget home after work. Use I've done a cold boot and hard boot with no effect. I will try to see what's going on .