At the Current Prices, DON'T Buy a TC970 Le Pan 1!


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2012

Here's a copy of a Reply I just posted, to a new Forum user who just purchased a Le Pan 1 tablet.

I have one myself, purchased 10 months ago, and at the time the price was Fair. NOT any longer.

At the current Asking Prices, the LP1 is a BAD purchase choice. Don't fall in the trap, or let a friend be suckered in - the Price is WRONG.

I am starting this thread as a Public Information Campaign, and maybe we can get Le Pan to get real and stop trolling for uninformed buyers, who purchase the TC970 unaware of its features and the competition''s offers.

Got a suggestion for a BETTER purchase in the same $179 price range? Post it here, add to the discussion.

Have an opinion? Let us hear it. ;)


[quote='miaulana' ]
I have received my Le pan TC970 from amazon a few days before.... Except screen is freezing a bit often.

Thank you in advance!

I saw your post yesterday, don't have any suggestions about the FB situation, but do have one that I think important.

If you just purchased the LP 1 from Amazon, I would suggest returning it ASAP, while you can. You mentioned some freezing issues, which do happen on occasion in the LP1s.

BUT - most importantly, if you just purchased it you paid a price that is too high for what you got. There are better options, in the same or close price range.

- if you don't mind the slightly smaller 7" screen, the Google Nexus 7 has a model starting at $199. This Monday they will launch the new line, and the 200 dollar version will be upgraded to 16 GB of on board storage.


The Nexus 7 is built by Asus, has a dual core processor, and is a flagship tablet.

- The RIM Playbook 32 GB is also 7", and selling for even lower, $150 here in Canada. Probably similar prices in USA retailers.


I am hugely tempted to get one myself, even if the Playbook is not as popular or a pure Android tablet, it's a high quality product. And Android apps are now being ported for it. ;)

- if you want a 9.7" model, you could upgrade to the Le Pan S model, $229, and has a dual core processor, exact same screen panel you have now. Same brand, so same problems with very slow software updates, quality inferior to the Nexus 7 or Playbook mentioned above.

Definitely get rid of the LP 1 while you can - it's not worth the price you paid, I think.

For $129 (which it was listed at for a while), it was a sweet deal. For $179, current asking price at and at --->> don't buy it.

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Le Pan S is quite nice though. A thousand percent better than the tc970. When will it get the promised Jellybean? My guess would be about the time key lime pie comes out. ICS is very nice though. Check out my review at Le Pan Life.
Le Pan S
I agree, totally, with the OP. Do not buy the LePan 1 period unless you just want it for a night clock like mine. These things are useless and Lepan offers no software support for them anymore.The big box stores were clearing out the older Acers. I snagged the 7 inch for $179 Canadian.I just received the 32 gig Playbook the other day. It was on for $149 and free shipping.There has been some great deals on Asus tablets too.
I agree completely that now is not the time to buy an LP1 (tc970), but I don't think those of us who have one, and there are many, would describe the hardware as "useless." I have been using mine for almost 11 months now and have never had a problem with it. It has, in fact, been quite useful and the occasional object of envy by those who paid 2 to 3 times as much for their 10" tablet.

Sent from my TC970 (Wi-Fi) using Android Tablet
pogoj, agreed.

It's not a BAD tablet (altough there are plenty of those out there - Chinese no-name, no-service things you will regret buying the minute you need any kind of service or software fix). It's just that at $179 it is WAY to high, compared to the competition.

A month or two ago I saw the tC970 going for $129 at That would make it a hot entry level tablet. I was going to write a Blog post about how the low price, and the niceness of CM7 combined could give you a low cost device that would be the envy of your friends.

I feel sorry for people who paid full asking price for the big brand name tablets. $500 or more for what a tablet does, for me it's not worth it. I enjoy using a laptop better, touch or no touch, since it has a much better keyboard, storage, wifi and wired connectivity.

For most people, a low priced laptop would serve them well, better than a tablet. Tabs are additional devices, convenient toys, yes. And Android is a fascinating ecosystem. :)

New buyers just need to research and try to find the best choice for theri money, there's wonderful tablets in the under-$200 range now.
Yann, a tablet is a different kind of device than a laptop and has a different purpose. For what you do and how you do it, you prefer a laptop. I disagree it is a better choice than a laptop. Its almost like saying a video camera is a better choice than a tv or a typewriter is better than a pen. A pen is a better choice than a sheet of paper. A motorcycle is a better choice than a bicycle. (I love analogies). It all depend on what you are doing with it. If you are trying to work, "produce" content, a laptop is more efficient. If you are trying to read, watch videos, browse the web, check facebook keep up with the news and you want sit back and relax while doing it. A tablet is the better choice. It is also simpler to operate and is more intuitive. A great device for those not experienced with computers that just want to watch YouTube.

As far as whether the LP1 is a good choice at the current price probably not. The head to head comparisons would be
9.7 ips screen 4: 3: ratio
Long battery life
Under 180.00
Play store access.

There are not that many devices that meet that criteria.
However because of its ancient operating system and lack of source code I wouldn't buy one either.
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Tablets were seen as information comsumption devices by Steve Jobs, who was the man to bring them from odd devices that barely anyone saw, let alone use, to mainstream devices.

They are easy to use, in terms of accessing content like videos, reading the paper or web sites.

But for someone without an actual computer, they would be lacking.

That was the core of my argument :

For most people, a low priced laptop would serve them well, better than a tablet. Tabs are additional devices, convenient toys, yes. And Android is a fascinating ecosystem.

I see them as toys, more portable, but a secondary device if you need to do more than tap a couple lines into an email or FB update.

For someone without ANY other computers in the house, they would be better off buying a $300 entry level laptop. ;)
Bottom line -- the TC970 is not useless, but it's not a good/smart buy at current prices and probably not above $129.

Sent from my TC970 (Wi-Fi) using Android Tablet
for fifty dollars more you can get a Le Pan S. ICS and in some distant galaxy it will get Jellybean. Snappy works great. It is always difficult to go that little bit more. especially if the 179.00 was more than you knew you should spend. 50 dollars may as well be a million.

Screen, processor, operating system, batttery life, Playstore access, wifi. Most important features. I have seen many tablets that look great for less but have terrible battery life or poor screen quality or no playstore access. Le Pan Love em or hate em have all those key features nailed. (exception Le Pan I and Froyo)
Bottom line -- the TC970 is not useless, but it's not a good/smart buy at current prices and probably not above $129.

Yes, that was the idea behind creating this thread. Hopefully we can reach people who are considering buying them, or better yet, get the sellers to reconsider the pricing (less likely).

for comparison purposes, I was just playing with the Tablets section. It has a wide range of product, prices and features. But it also has a wonderful Search, wich you can tune into a price range ($100 to 200), screen size (8" and up). I came up with a good list, some are big names with Refurbished models, like Acer Iconia 200. Others are lesser known names, but with intriguing product, new, for a low price.

See the search results HERE. ;)
I played with that 9.7 coby at frys. It was a bit sluggish. The screen was not as bright or crisp. Cobys do have a very active community. (I am a coby refuge) They do not have playstore. Looking at your list I would say the tc970 is a better choice than that coby for 189.00 Le Pan tc970 has genuine Froyo rather than the fake ICS on the coby. (Just playing devils advocate, I can't help myself) I've seriously tried to find a better tablet for the money. I really would like to find one. There are a lot of things to consider.
The campaign is still on - the Le Pan 1 is not worth the current price, but if they dropped it to a more realistic level, it could be considered for a new tablet user.

Add a Gingerbread op system to it, and you have a fine little device; the whole question is a fair price in today's market.
Personally, I still use my LePan 1 every day. I've had it for a year now, and it still works great for everything I use it for. I am not a power user or anything, don't get me wrong, but for the basics it's still a good tablet. Overall, Ive been really pleased with it, and I still am.
But, even as I say that, I'm shopping for a new tablet for my wife. I've looked at every tablet on the market from the cheap no-names to the new Samsung (which is just plain drool-worthy, but not paying that price for one for what she wants it for.)
I have to agree with the OP - I wouldn't buy the TC970 again at it's current price.
BUT - I'm also having a hell of a time finding a 4:3, 9.7" tablet that's as good and in the same price range. It's just not there.
If I'm wrong, I'd love to know it. I would buy her a Nexus in a heartbeat, except we do not want a 7" Tablet. its 9+ or no-go.
So, can anyone show a decent tablet in the TC970 size, and under $200?
I haven't found it, which is why I keep going back to the TC970 Amazon page, looking at it, knowing better than to buy it again, and after searching around for 1/2hr at the same few devices, giving up in disgust? I've done that over the past couple of weeks more times than I care to admit.
Where's the better choice than TC970 that isn't a 7" tablet? I can at least say my TC970 has a quality build, and is not a
cheap chinatab that may or may not be worth buying.
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Good post, glad you agree that the price is not right for this model.

It's a good entry level tablet, it just needs to be cheaper.

If you look at post #10, I did a search at, which has a really good Search tool. Setting it by price range ($150 to 200) and screen size (9" and up) reduces the list to a more manageable size.

Probably the best deal on their listings is the Acer Iconia A200, refurb models are available at various prices, 8 GB models are $189, 16 GB add another 10 dollars. All of them have short, 90 days warranties, but I think they are upgradeable to ICS if not already loaded with it.

That's getting close to the upper range, near $200, and for $225 or so you could get a Le Pan S and the same screen you have now on the LP 1. Full one year warranty on that model too.

If you found an HP Touchpad in good condition, they make wonderful tablets with CM9 installed. price is the question, as you need to watch how close they are to the new or refurb with 90 days warranty models.
Why not hang on until black Friday or boxing day. Amazon, for one, knocked down the price if the LP1 last December. Perhaps they'll drop the price on the 'S' this year. At any rate, there are bound to be some deals out there soon.

Sent from my TC970 (Wi-Fi) using Android Tablet