Authenticating Problem no internet


May 30, 2013
I am sitting here so frustrated, I could cry (or throw the Android out the window). I have had my tablet for 10 days and was having no problem with it until 2 days ago, when it wouldn't connect to my netgear router. Since then, I cannot get internet anywhere with it. I have been reading all the discussions and forums, tried everything suggested, and still no internet. Now have "authentication problem" message. PLEASE HELP ME!!! I got this tablet for Mother's Day and am deeply saddened by the way it is NOT working.
THank you so much <3 !!! I followed the reboot, then unplugged EVERYTHING and started over. After re entering my password, I got the connection. You are a lifesaver !!!

Congrats! You got it fix :thumbup: :D

You're welcome, tnx for your feedback ;)

TapaTalking from Republic™ Of Android