Battery Life & Looking for a game.


Nov 13, 2011
I have noticed since I have been using my NC converted with Sd card to CM7, when playing games that my battery life is just no good at all. I am having to charge it every night. Should this be so? Also am looking for a good Mahjongg game to put onto my NC. Any Suggestions?

Other than that I really love my NC.

Hi verna, the game's use of the processor will certainly contribute to battery life. So if you are running a game that requires a lot of processor you will see diminished battery life. It goes even faster once you have CM7 because you can turn up the processor speed from 800MHz to 1200MHz.

If you want to extend your game playing and battery time then you can go to Settings>CyogenMod settings>Performance>CPU settings>Max CPU freq. and then temporarily turn it down. I would suggest not going lower than 600MHz though since reducing the CPU freq. will also reduce the responsiveness of the tablet/game. So if your Nook feels sluggish you'll have to remember to go turn the CPU back up.

Generally speaking you don't need 1.2GHz and if battery life is a concern you can set the Max to always be something lower like 800MHz. You can put it as low as you want to save battery life at the expense of performance. Stock Nook runs at 800MHz max so you may want to see how that works for you. One additional note is that under the same CPU settings menu you can choose different governors. Default for CM7 is conservative which gradually bumps the processor up and down between the Min and Max CPU values you set depending on needs. You can think of this as 'balanced'. Ondemand bumps the processor between Min and Max so you are either running the lowest processor or the highest processor you set. Performance runs the Max setting all the time.

Amazon had a couple of Mahjongs as part of their app a day program and I picked up Random Mahjong Pro which is nice.

Thanks JP went and made the adjustments will see how it does.Thanks about the heads up on the Random Mahjong Pro, will keep an eye out for it.
Hi Verna, nice to see that you started having fun with your you like the cm 7 rom you have on your card? Big difference from the stock, isn't it?

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