Black screen with few options after google install with cyan


Aug 4, 2011
I was at the time on the century eyes 2.0 branch 1.2 rom and wanted to try gingerbread out so i downloaded and installed 7.0.3 Harmony signed clemsyn signed and it' just at a black screen now with the home screen option and 2 or 3 other options, I reflashed it but it does the same, not sure what i did wrong but Im sure I did somethin lol and Ideas ?

Update: I said forget it and went back to century eyes. I'll try a different rom here soon.
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The only Gingerbread that I tried out was VEGAn Gingeredition which was a 1.1 ROM. Are you certain that the one that you were trying was indeed a 1.2 ROM? If not, there are is a good post on downgrading from 1.2 to 1.1 which may help. It sounds like either way you will need to restore back to the stock image then re-apply the ROM you want to try...but make sure you are certain if it is 1.1 or 1.2!
yeah it was a 1.2 rom after I flashed it the second time I went ahead with the set up with the market backup process after installing about 5 apps I said forget it, My home screen was just black and the buttons would hardly respond. I just went back into Clock and restored. Im looking at roms now. man that honeycomb looks tempting lol thanks for your suggestion i might look into that. I saw a 1.1 that was very appealing but Im trying to stay away from that with all the problems and what not. all the nice 1.1 roms and honeycomb roms sure makes it hard not to test the water
Wait, you haven't tried Bottle of Smoke or Flashback yet? Did I warn you to watch out for those Honeycomb ROMs??? ;)

Seriously, either of the above two are easy to install (as long as you precede them with an nvflash of the stock 4349 image), and gorgeous to look at. Well, the HC launcher could be a little better, but it's a custom ROM, what do you expect! If you get curious, I say give one a try.

I know. honeycomb looks so nice. I think I will give the bottle of smoke one a try, Ive been checking out the youtube video's on it and it looks good. at this point im pass curious. I just bought a nice laptop before I got the G tab and since ive had the G tab it's been getting neglected. o well lol you'll have that.
Wait, you haven't tried Bottle of Smoke or Flashback yet? Did I warn you to watch out for those Honeycomb ROMs??? ;)

Seriously, either of the above two are easy to install (as long as you precede them with an nvflash of the stock 4349 image), and gorgeous to look at. Well, the HC launcher could be a little better, but it's a custom ROM, what do you expect! If you get curious, I say give one a try.


I thought you weren't trying to entice people with HC ROMs. Lol. BoS looks nice, but there is alot of work going on in the Flashback camp.

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I thought you weren't trying to entice people with HC ROMs. Lol. BoS looks nice, but there is alot of work going on in the Flashback camp.

Sent from my LG OP V using Tapatalk
Call it reverse psychology. :) Still waiting on yours, right?

Yeah, I agree...I think roebeet is throttling down, and there is some very interesting kernel work that might happen with Flashback.

Call it reverse psychology. :) Still waiting on yours, right?

Yeah, I agree...I think roebeet is throttling down, and there is some very interesting kernel work that might happen with Flashback.


End of the week (fingers crossed)!

I get the impression that Roebeet may be just plain tired. That guy has done a ton in a very short time. I also see that he may be involved in another project, just speculation.

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well everyone after playing around with some ginger roms I said forget this and went ahead and flashed gtab comb beta 3.3 last night , Gadget I tasted the honeycomb and it was sweet lol. I love the look and feel of this rom and you can really tell that this was made for the tablet, the place of icons and the way things flow are amazing. I guess what took me so long to do so was that I really didn't wan't to mess around with any alpha's. I do miss my century eyes boot up though and when it says " your adam is shutting down '' other then that it works great. I havent had any issues yet. The start up time kinda stinks though when I first flashed it I thought I messed up because it took so long to load but then I remembered it had packages and what not to go through. took a shower and it was up and ready when I came back to it.
How funny, I thought you'd already tried an HC ROM! I can't tell you how glad I am to see you're hooked. ;) Us addicts need more company.

I'm glad you reminded me there's a 1.1 bootloader HC...why do I always forget that?

O yeah I remembered about that bootloader difference alright. happy to join the comb addict club lol, I knew it was going to come down to flashing a comb rom I just kept looking at the video's how much people really enjoyed it and how nice it looked and I just couldn't hold out any longer. how about some widgets to go with this ? any suggestions ?
I've been hopping around versions of BoS and FB so much, I've stopped customizing the home screen. :( Plus, I also wonder how much widgets draw battery down (those that update a lot, anyway). My favorites are weather from Beautiful Widgets, plus some toggle widgets (wifi, brightness) from the same app, and sometimes the gmail widget (it scrolls!!!!!). -Matt
I don't think I will ever settle on what's on my screen ever im like you guys I can't seem to settle on anything on the tablet. I will say that I think I will be sticking with the rom im on now for a while. true about the battery drain, my t-bolt hates youmail, I actually have my mail and some other things turned off sync on my tab, the gmail widget is cool though.