Rom cunfusion


Aug 4, 2011
Hi all, Im new to the tablet world but not android it's self, I got a thunderbolt rooted.
after looking and looking for tabs I decided to go with this one because of its options and great support.

I get my tab tomorrow and plan on rooting and putting on a rom on it. Ive done the research and I do understand that I need to learn nvflash, and adb as well as which branch I fall onto.

Im confused as to the rom package though. I want to install century eyes if I have the 1.2 branch but was confused to if there is anything else I need, I know that it says that it has root, but don't I need to install clockmod first? or does it do everythig for me and don't I need to wipe and re-partition first before installing the rom ? how would that work with the package I was reading on rooting for dummies and it said to do clock first then install the rom but how would that work in the century eyes package and help would be great.
Hi all, Im new to the tablet world but not android it's self, I got a thunderbolt rooted.
after looking and looking for tabs I decided to go with this one because of its options and great support.

I get my tab tomorrow and plan on rooting and putting on a rom on it. Ive done the research and I do understand that I need to learn nvflash, and adb as well as which branch I fall onto.

Im confused as to the rom package though. I want to install century eyes if I have the 1.2 branch but was confused to if there is anything else I need, I know that it says that it has root, but don't I need to install clockmod first? or does it do everythig for me and don't I need to wipe and re-partition first before installing the rom ? how would that work with the package I was reading on rooting for dummies and it said to do clock first then install the rom but how would that work in the century eyes package and help would be great.
Hi Fuzzracer, and welcome!

I don't have firsthand experience with CE, but here is how I would tackle your problem:

(1) Get comfortable with nvflash, and when ready, flash the 4349 stock ROM (which includes the 1.2 bootloader)
(2) Next, flash the CE ROM

If you're starting with a new gTab, you don't have to worry much at this point about the recovery system. In general, updating (flashing) with stock recovery (which has a blue font, I believe) just requires putting two things in your gTab root folder: the "recovery" folder with the "command" file in it (which typically accompanies the ROM when you download it), and the file (the ROM itself). Once in place, rebooting with the stock recovery/bootloader will install automatically! On the other hand, if you have CWM (pink font), like on your phone you would just use the menu to find the and flash it!

It's after switching from one ROM to another that you have to start thinking about wiping, repartitioning, etc. If you master nvflashing, the rest is a piece of cake!

Thanks so much for your reply and advice. to late though I figured it out I followed the dummy instructions and it worked like a charm the recovery file was just confusing me. I preffer ADB seems like each device I get the harder it gets or at least seems, my incredible was a piece of cake to root with unrevoked, and my thunderbolt was easy with adb. my tab came in the mail from woot today, I had my gf bring it to me at work lol. I was all set up had my rom ready, clock ready and everything else I needed for both branches before the tab even got here. I really like the honeycomb roms but from what I have been reading im gona stay away from it. I read somewhere that I could get the look and feel of it without actually having it ( pretty much a launcher) do you or anyone else know if spb shell will work with the g tab, works and feels great on my thunderbolt.
Thanks so much for your reply and advice. to late though I figured it out I followed the dummy instructions and it worked like a charm the recovery file was just confusing me. I preffer ADB seems like each device I get the harder it gets or at least seems, my incredible was a piece of cake to root with unrevoked, and my thunderbolt was easy with adb. my tab came in the mail from woot today, I had my gf bring it to me at work lol. I was all set up had my rom ready, clock ready and everything else I needed for both branches before the tab even got here. I really like the honeycomb roms but from what I have been reading im gona stay away from it. I read somewhere that I could get the look and feel of it without actually having it ( pretty much a launcher) do you or anyone else know if spb shell will work with the g tab, works and feels great on my thunderbolt.
Great! I'm glad you're off to a good start. :)

Three quick comments. First, my best advice is to NOT load the gTab up with apps, but instead spend a week getting comfortable flashing 2 or 3 (or 4) different ROMs. At some point you'll get stuck in one type of boot loop or another, and using nvflash to get you back to stock will be a HUGE asset. And equally importantly, it will allow you to play with a few ROMs and get the feel of each. If you're OK with that plan, then I firmly suggest you throw in a HC ROM (Bottle of Smoke or Flashback) and give it a day. Trust me, both work well (just ignore the negative press). Flashback has the edge as it's a little more current.

Second, I'm really impressed that you're good with ADB. I got acquainted after buying the Nook Color, and haven't looked back. It's really indispensable, and I'm disappointed that so many users are intimidated (or turned off) by command-line shells...every gTab owner should master it! I also enjoy having the Android SDK, which lets gTab users dig a little deeper (e.g., ddms.bat).

Third, let me reveal my ignorance: what's spb shell? :) Ah, just checked, it's a home replacement/launcher!!! The answer is: SHOULD work, no? But at $15 you'll have to be the app tester, OK? If you do install, let us know how it goes!

Hi Fuzzracer. Looks like Matt already solved your problem, so I'll just say welcome to the forum.:)
Hey Spider! I'd like to take the credit, but I think I'm just an innocent bystander. :)

lol yeah if you own a t-bolt you gotta know adb they go hand and hand. thanks for the welcome guys I appreciate it. I almost got one of this chinese tabs but I went with this one, the tegra 2 and the forrum support is amazing. I originally wanted a xoom but man that costs some bread. I actually have the last beta version of the spb shell on my t-bolt so hopefully it will work. i'll let you all know if it does or not.