Changing tablet Firmware versions


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2011
I have been working with Windows and Linux based systems for 15 years. I have owned my first tablet with Android 2.2 for about a month.
I have a question.

Why, or why not, is it possible to easily download and upgrade to Android 4.0 on any device, at any time, much the way you would switch operating systems on an X86 PC?
I mean, as long as you have the necessary installation file(s) for your basic Android OS (whatever version) shouldn't it be possible to experiment with different roms (android versions) and run them regardless of manufacture?

I ask this because my Enspert_201 (Wintec Filemate Identity Froyo 2.2) was bricked about a week after I received it. I found the files I needed here on this forum and I was back up and running in 30 minutes or less. In the process I learned that the OS can be installed... like the tablet in my hand is really a touch screen, connected to a solid state hard drive.

With the ability to reset a 'bricked' tablet and re-install the OS, is it not possible to experiment (without FINAL damage) with Android 4.0 roms from 'Company X'?

Just a question from a noob. I thank you in advance for anything I learn from you.

I;m moving your post to the Coby 7015 section of the forum where you may get some assistance.