Coby Kyros MID 7051 Tablet registers as my Nexus Cell phone! Help!


May 17, 2013
Hello all,

We FINALLY got my son's Coby tablet back from being "fixed" and now I cannot, for the life of me, get it to allow me to download our google aps from play store. I can sign in, I can see all my apps and can even see where to click download....however, for some reason, the stupid tablet is registering as my cell phone!!? Its not even confused about being my Samsung tablet.....just thinks its my phone! So, I cannot install apps since they are already on my phone! Sheesh!

Please help before I throw it out the window!

Coby generally exchanges out tablets for refurbished models rather than actually repairing them. Thus you could have gotten a refurbished tablet with a modified build.prop, which is about the only way something like this could happen. If there is a copy of the stock ROM for your tablet floating about the Internet, you could install it, which would wipe out any modifications that may have been done to this tablet by the previous owner.
Coby generally exchanges out tablets for refurbished models rather than actually repairing them. Thus you could have gotten a refurbished tablet with a modified build.prop, which is about the only way something like this could happen. If there is a copy of the stock ROM for your tablet floating about the Internet, you could install it, which would wipe out any modifications that may have been done to this tablet by the previous owner.

Yes! That is what they said they were doing. It is a bit different than the original. I apologize, but what is stock ROM and what do I do about it?

Thank you so much for your help!

Mimi ~!~
Did you look on the forums for your tablet? There should be a lot of helpful information there that can be of aid to you.