CWM development


Staff member
Jan 23, 2011
Development has started and almost done
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Well those of u curious to know what clockwork works

I installed the clockwork for the nook color?
Yeah seriously
It boots properly. All buttons work properly. the only problem it has is mounting the system partitions and sd card. So I'll try to look into that. Any recovery devs out there? Let's make a universal generick recovery
The one reason why the nook recovery works is that the file is small. The ftii doesn't have a big recovery partition. Id say max is 1.8mb?
I think need to make the fstab file match what your 'mount' output is.
My Brain Hurts: Porting Clockwork Recovery to New Devices

I don't recall if the file is /etc/fstab or something else

if you can adb, see if you at least have the filesystem support or if you need to include additional kernel modules.

This is important news for the Flytouch 2. The missing clockwork recovery has been a stumbling block to recommending Infotmic devices, which are superior to TCC8902 in raw hardware
I'll look into it more tomorrow since I'm off. I'm glad to know I got somewhere. The nook color clockwork installs just nothings mounting. A couple tweeks to that clockwork and we r golden
Posted 2 pics of clockwork on flytouch2. U can see the errors I'm gtn.

No luck on mounts yet

If anyone wants the img to experiment with. Lemme know
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i seen this the other day
(honeycomb ported to nook color)
so if the recovery installed correctly to the there a chance someone could modify it to install on the flytouch? these two devices seem to have similiarity in hardware.
I've pretty much called it a failure. I moved onto other projects on the flytouch 2. but if u wanna give it a shot. Just intall rom manager and install the nook color img. The recovery is harder to tamper with on the newer updates since the partitions were modified to improve performance. Only way install custom software is through burn tool to force installation.

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Flashing clockwork via rom manager is successfull (message). When I try to but into it using some key combinations, it stalls at the first "infoTMIC" splash of the bootloader...

How did you get it to run, please?

Oh, I tried the two nook color recoveries and the viewsonic gtab one.

Do you think that it is due to partitioning issues? Koush, would you mind chipping in? How do we get Rom Manager to flash it correctly (even if it is not yet a fully compatible recovery)?

I think that we can know the partition table using 'fdisk -l /dev/block/mmcblk0' or something like that.

This device is in dire need of a recovery image because we kinda only have official roms and at least the latest one doesn't allow to start adbd from the ui.

What about 2.2? We wanna see this happen.
I have not given up on my custom rom for the ftii though. That I will continue my work on

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You do it very, very long time. I can't wait anymore and builded

recovery.fstab contain
# mount point<->fstype    device    <-->[device2]

/cache      yaffs2      cache
/data       yaffs2      userdata
/ramdisk    mtd         ramdisk
/kernel     mtd         kernel
/sdcard     vfat        /dev/block/mmcblk0p1        /dev/block/mmcblk0
/system     yaffs2      system
/sd-ext     ext4        /dev/block/mmcblk0p2

And little patch on nandroid.c
Into function nandroid_backup added
    if (0 != (ret = nandroid_backup_partition(backup_path, "/ramdisk")))
        return ret;
    if (0 != (ret = nandroid_backup_partition(backup_path, "/kernel")))
        return ret;
Into function nandroid_restore added
    if (restore_boot && 0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition(backup_path, "/ramdisk")))
        return ret;
    if (restore_boot && 0 != (ret = nandroid_restore_partition(backup_path, "/kernel")))
        return ret;
recovery_ui.c get from nook color sources and add it to

build is here;)
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This build have 2 known bugs. Kernel don't support ext4 and don't work usb mount. I will fix it later.