CWM Port success

Now, is there a way to uninstall CWM?

To remove CWM you would follow all of the OP instructions with the following exception!!

dd if=/sdcard/recovery-cwm-vtab1008.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p5 bs=512

This line would read:

dd if=/sdcard/recovery.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p5 bs=512

Hopefully we all did a backup of our stock recovery prior to overwriting it with the CWM recovery, I know I didnt!! ;) If you dont have the stock recovery backed up on your SDCard, like I dont! I can probably provide one from the file of the 1.5 update that someone kindly uploaded.
To remove CWM you would follow all of the OP instructions with the following exception!!

dd if=/sdcard/recovery-cwm-vtab1008.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p5 bs=512

This line would read:

dd if=/sdcard/recovery.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p5 bs=512

Hopefully we all did a backup of our stock recovery prior to overwriting it with the CWM recovery, I know I didnt!! ;) If you dont have the stock recovery backed up on your SDCard, like I dont! I can probably provide one from the file of the 1.5 update that someone kindly uploaded.

I do not have stock recovery backup.
Will appreciate very much the upload.

Actually I found the original recovery here:

PS All done, ready to go back to Costco.
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I have been following these threads for some time now. I was able to root my VTAB1008 and freeze updates so I am still on build 56 I have set up adb and willing to make a nandroid backup. My question is when I download this zip to I download to computer or vtab and run adb that way. Please let me know as I am willing to give it a shot

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Tapatalk
I have been following these threads for some time now. I was able to root my VTAB1008 and freeze updates so I am still on build 56 I have set up adb and willing to make a nandroid backup. My question is when I download this zip to I download to computer or vtab and run adb that way. Please let me know as I am willing to give it a shot

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Tapatalk

You will need to download the zip file to your PC, unzip it, and then put it into your adb directory. Then follow the OP instructions.
I put the file in to the tools folder is this correct? i also keep getting permission denied I am as SU first time doing this
You will need to download the zip file to your PC, unzip it, and then put it into your adb directory. Then follow the OP instructions.
Are you getting the permission denied trying to push the image file to your sdcard? Or are you getting the error when trying to write the image file using the dd command?
Are you getting the permission denied trying to push the image file to your sdcard? Or are you getting the error when trying to write the image file using the dd command?

When I push to sd card, Btw I am on windows7

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Tapatalk
Try copying the image file to the root of your SD sard in Windows instead of pushing it with ADB. Then pick up the OP instructions right after that.
Try copying the image file to the root of your SD sard in Windows instead of pushing it with ADB. Then pick up the OP instructions right after that.

Ok i have copied to my sdcard and this is the output that i get :cannot open for read: No such file or directory. Now when i look at the file all it says is CWMVizio dio i need to change it to then read dd if=/sdcard/recovery-cwm-CWMVizio or do i have the wrong file and should i be downloading from XDA thread vs. the OP
would someone be kind enough to post a link to the zip. i can't dl it from any of those locations.
I finally got it to work but I did it differently than OP I will share my expereince. First I downladed to my directly to my tablet, then I used root explorer Mount R/W and extracted it from there it put that into a extracted folder which i then moved to root of sd card and then ran the code in adb. I then ran backup in Rom Manger and worked like a charm. This might have been a little more work but I finally got it