Dell Streak for $99


Staff member
Sep 24, 2010
You know those candy bars, magazines, and other impulse items that you see at the checkout line? Add the Streak to the list. Dell has announced that on any purchase of more than $699 you can add a Streak for just $99. Is Dell just practicing good marketing, or are they throwing in the towel on a sales disappointment?

Sent from my HTC Thunderbolt using the Android Tablet app!
They did the same thing with the Dell Mini 9. I got it for $99 when I bought a laptop for my sister. Its a good promotion stragety.
... it is a good sales technique. Ok.. so who wants to spend $700, so I can get a $100 Dell Streak? heh
Its not something you go for. I bought her laptop and it was like "Hey for $100 you can get this $350 Mini 9!" SCORE! Everyone is looking for a deal now a days. Espically with families getting a jump on college laptops before the summer busy season.
Man I would love to have a Dell streak :) I'm content with my tablet though although I do need a new laptop....