Downloading Books on the Coby Tablet


Jan 16, 2011
We have a new Coby tablet but we are considering returnig it because my wife can't download books other than what the tablet allows, which isn't much. Does anyone know if the Coby will allow you to download books from other places besides what is installed in the Coby tablet?

We tried to put in Google ebooks and several other applications, but it won't allow it, any idea's?

Thanks, Parl
You just need a few more apps to get access to just about every book imaginable.

Amazon Kindle, available for free on the Market, opens up the huge Kindle marketplace and is a very nice reader in its own right.

My local library's website led me to an Android app called Overdrive, which allows downloading up to six books, audio books, even movies at a time without charge from local library collections. The files expire after seven or fourteen days, whichever you select.

Also, there is a reader called Laputa that has access to lots of ebooks. I like it better than the stock reader that came with my Coby because it doesn't pause while reopening a chapter when I accidentally change the display from portrait to landscape modes.

The wide availability of books, including free current best-sellers (via local library eloans) is the most pleasant of many surprises I've had with this product. A few hours of work setting things up will make you a happy reader, I'll bet.
Thank you very much for the information, but there seems to be a specific problem with downloading unauthorized apps. We have tried everything to download the appropriate apps but it won't allow it. Do you know anything specific about the Coby Tablet?
I highly recommend using the search function. Your questions have been asked and answered several times in detail. Also read the section on rooting. Good luck!
I think the Overdrive software concept must have gone to the lowest bidder. However, I can check out up to 20 books for 21 days at one time from my local library - no root here. Having trouble keeping up with the NY times list. :)
I think the Overdrive software concept must have gone to the lowest bidder. However, I can check out up to 20 books for 21 days at one time from my local library - no root here. Having trouble keeping up with the NY times list. :)

Popular books must be in short supply if your library lets members horde 21 titles at a time!

Seriously, I have to put "holds" on most best-sellers to get them from my library, but the software indicates no one else is ahead of me (haven't used it long enough to know if this is accurate). Agree that the Overdrive reader itself is not the best around, but it sure beats paying $20 a book or so to Amazon.
Popular books must be in short supply if your library lets members horde 21 titles at a time!

Seriously, I have to put "holds" on most best-sellers to get them from my library, but the software indicates no one else is ahead of me (haven't used it long enough to know if this is accurate). Agree that the Overdrive reader itself is not the best around, but it sure beats paying $20 a book or so to Amazon.
Yes the "hold" (haven't figured out why I'd want to "wish") list can be long and deep. Just got two more emails today ready for check out. Not sure about hoarding but at least between the wife's Christmas Nook and my Christmas Coby, the TV doesn't get much use. :) A hold is required if all copies are out even if no one is waiting.
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The new version (2.0) of Aldiko will import .acsm files from the public library. Supports epub and pdf (Overdrive mobile does not). Allows returns. Built-in file explorer so imports do not need to be in the import folder. Seems good so far except pdf text size is kinda small.
The new version (2.0) of Aldiko will import .acsm files from the public library. Supports epub and pdf (Overdrive mobile does not). Allows returns. Built-in file explorer so imports do not need to be in the import folder. Seems good so far except pdf text size is kinda small.

Hi, when is it gonna be available ?
If you don't want to root your Kyros and add market place. Go Here Freeware Lovers: Search results

This is the site I used before I rooted. Actually, I STILL use it! Its so easy and there are a lot of apps. I use KOBO eBook reader because there is also an app for my Blackberry, and it remembers your bookmarks when going back and forth! Hope this helps. Trust me, you did not make a mistake getting the Kyros. It has so much bang for its buck!
I was able to download the Borders app, Kobe app and Nook app directly from the appslib market on my Coby Kyros.