Easy Root Solution For MID 7024


Senior Member
Sep 3, 2011
Hello everyone,

I wrote a little app to root the MID7024. I made it just for fun and because I heard that z4root doesn't work on this device.

It's written in python and uses the Scripting Layer for Android (I didn't feel like learning Java for something this simple)

Here's the apk if you're interested:
Download (version 0.1)
md5: 47207fca60d6377ad3e5c2f4f68b60aa

Note: This requires Python for Android, which you can get from here

Download and install Python and Kyros Root from the links above using the built-in apk installer

Open "Python for Android" in the applications menu

Click "Install" to get Python

Start Kyros Root from the applications menu

After the script is finished writing data (should only take a couple of seconds), it will ask you to reboot your device. Do that now.

On the next boot at the Coby logo, you should see "rooting device..." in the top left corner for a few seconds, then your device will power off

Turn it back on and you should be rooted :)

How it works:
During boot, init.rc runs the script "/etc/install-recovery.sh" (if it exists) with root privileges. This app simply writes a custom /etc/install-recovery.sh that installs the root binaries then deletes itself the next boot (/etc is globally writable on the MID7024)

Note: This has only been tested on the MID7024. It *MIGHT* work on other models, but I have no way of testing.

Update: Pickupman66 has confirmed it working on the 1024
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How it works:
During boot, init.rc runs the script "/etc/install-recovery.sh" (if it exists) with root privileges. This app simply writes a custom /etc/install-recovery.sh that installs the root binaries then deletes itself the next boot (/etc is globally writable on the MID7024)

Woa, nice! It works for both Froyo and Gingerbread? Or it's specific for urbetter variant of Android used in Kyros?
I think it's specific to the variant used in the Kyros.

I don't know if it will work on Gingerbread, I have only tested on the stock Froyo used in the MID7024.

The script assumes 2 things:
1. /etc is globally writable
2. Your init.rc will launch /etc/install-recovery.sh with superuser privileges

You can check your init.rc for:
# Backward compatibility
    chmod 0777 /system/etc
    symlink /system/etc /etc
    chmod 0777 /etc
service flash_recovery /system/etc/install-recovery.sh

It also assumes you have busybox, which the MID7024 does.
I might update the script to to check for busybox and install it if it's missing.
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hey steeve :) how about creating app that will comment the "key 48 B" of the qwert.kl file :)
Strange... I have to disable both key 217 (search key) and key 48, or else they both work.
Can't disable them individually for some reason. :confused:
:) well thats fine with me...so can it turn on and off? :D comment and un-comment those two buttton?
thanks :) really nice... plus the Gingerbread update were getting cant wait to update my tablet...
Alright here it is:

Took a little longer than I expected, I had some trouble getting root privileges in the script but eventually figured it out.

Just run "Enable/Disable Browser key" from the apps menu to toggle the Browser key on or off.
A reboot is required for the change to take effect.
Alright here it is:

Took a little longer than I expected, I had some trouble getting root privileges in the script but eventually figured it out.

Just run "Enable/Disable Browser key" from the apps menu to toggle the Browser key on or off.
A reboot is required for the change to take effect.

Thanks a lot. This will give us option in turning on/off the browse and search button.

Sent from my Coby Kyros 7024
ok. so I tried to do thison my 1024. when I click install in python it says failed almost instantly. and goes no further.