eee Pad Youtube opinions


May 10, 2011
OK for those lucky few who have had a chance to play with their new toy what do ya think about the Youtube frame rate? Seems a little jittery to me.
Works great untill I go to fullscreen, then it gets quite jittery. Anyone else seeing this?
Yeah I've noticed the lagginess especially in full screen mode.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
I have no experience with the eeePad (mine is scheduled to be delivered on Monday); however, YouTube videos display fine in full screen HD on my Xoom. The Xoom is running Honeycomb 3.1 so the problem may be resolved when the ASUS tabs receive the OS upgrade next month.
I watched a HD clip and it was smooth with great quality on Honeycomb 3.1 and Comcast higher bandwidth internet service.
have 3.1 and youtube not working for me - might try uninstall/rollback.

Works fine in browser with no issues.
youtube issue fixed - had to setup a youtube account for the gmail login I used for the tablet.

No issues on frame rate whether viewing SD or HD footage on youtube.