EX900 samsung based ??


Sep 1, 2011
well it says it is samsung based, I have been trying to find out how I can update the software from v1.9 to 2.2 or later. The more I read then the more im getting confused lol.Can anyone point me in the direction of files needed to update this thing please,has anyone on here got/had the EX900 and did you manage to update it ?? Any help or info greatly appreciated as my heads in bits tryin to work out if i need gingerbread or honeycomb ect ect lol.
As you gather I am very new to the tablet.Thanx
Decided to take this out of the box again and try to find some info. If anyone can point me towards any later/better software.. 2.2 if it runs it,then I would be very grateful.Im still looking for a how to for flashing it too, I guess the basic is to put files on card and run a flash but like I say I cant find any info about doing it or even if the ex900 will run anything better.
Can anyone help ??

Regards Ian.:confused: